I Want to Help Someone Else
Are you worried a friend, family member, or co-worker who may be involved in an abusive relationship? There are many steps you can take to help, but the most important one is being supportive and trying to be non-judgmental of their situation. Abuse and the effects of violence can be deep, and complex and very seldom understood from an outside perspective, no matter how well intentioned.
Many victims of violence feel alone and confused as a result of the abuse. It is not uncommon to feel shame, embarrassment, isolation and fear. It can feel like there is nowhere to turn.
Concerns of the victim may include:
- Worry that No One will Believe Them
- They may Blame Themselves for the Abuse
- They may Fear from Threats from their Abuser that They, Their Children, or Their Pets will be Hurt or Killed if They Reveal the Abuse to Anyone Outside Their Home
This might seem scary or daunting, but you can take steps to help. Each of us has the power to make a difference. Reach out and assure your loved one that the abuse is not their fault; that love shouldn’t hurt, and that safety can be found.
The Safe Harbor Helpline is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We encourage you to call with any questions or fears you may be having. Our trained advocates are available to help.
The Helpline can be reached at 920.452.7640 or 1.800.499.7640 (toll free in Sheboygan County).